Created by Rixie Dennison

Mandala Healing Arts

Mandala Healing Arts Rixie Dennison Yoga

What is Codependency?

Every aspect of your being is important.

I call it the loss of Self.
We become codependent when we turn our responsibility for our life and happiness over to our Ego and other people. We become preoccupied with others and we neglect ourselves. I am using WE here because it has happened to me and is very much a part of my recovery and healing.

There are many characteristics and levels of codependency.
Some are: people pleasing, enabling, one-sided relationships, tolerating inappropriate behavior, feeling used and under-appreciated, caretaking, feeling responsible for fixing everyone’s problems or expecting others to do as you say.

If your desire is a life filled
with self-care, self-worth, self-esteem, speaking up for your self, letting go of what others think about you, knowing how to get YOUR needs met, being responsible for what I allow others to do to me and that every aspect of my being is important, do read below about my two signature programs.

My Signature

Special Offerings

Mandala Healing Arts Your Soul-ution

An Immersive Healing Journey
for Codependency

by Rixie Dennison

Your Soul-ution! is an immersive healing journey guided by the 12 Steps of Recovery that will allow anyone who wants to integrate deep, lasting changes into their daily lives from codependency with the tools they need for personal and spiritual transformation.

You will have lifetime access to a holistically (body, mind and spirit) designed journey online. AND, we will virtually connect for 2 Q&A sessions LIVE with like-hearted women who desire a life of ease and joy! This is where the Magic happens!

Mandala Healing Arts

Next Level
- Life Integration

by Rixie Dennison

What’s next? My Trailblazer’s Circle was created when my first group finished their 12 Step program for Codependency. They asked, “what’s next?” So I got busy and created these next level topics that will integrate what you have discovered through your 12 Step experience.

***Or it’s an incredible place to begin evolving – creating new Tools and Skills to live in your TRUTH. There are 4 modules – the first module includes – What are you Tolerating? Setting Healthy Boundaries, Getting Your Needs Met. This is a 12 week program – all set up for you with videos and prompts for homework. Are you ready to begin living your next-level life? Truth, Self-Awareness and Change!

Your Soul-ution Mandala Healing Arts

Living with Codependency we focus so much outside of ourselves

Your time to wake up is now!

Living with Codependency we focus so much outside of ourselves, we lose touch with what is inside of us:
* OUR beliefs, thoughts, feelings, decisions, choices, experiences, wants, needs, sensations, intuitions, and even our physical functioning such as our heart rate and respiratory rate.

* When I say, lose touch with, I literally mean we can go unconscious, in a trance-like state for days, weeks, years, until something … wakes us up. Until we ask for help. Until we are sick and tired of being sick and tired. Your time is now.

Our mini

Programs & Courses

Join me for incredible programs of discovery and transformation!

Mandala Healing Arts Your Soul-ution Intro

Your Soul-ution Intro

Are you ready to stop self-destructing? Is your past getting in your way?

Find out more in this free 5-Day Program.

Join me for this incredible program of discovery and transformation! Click the button below to learn more.

Learn More
Codependency Mandala Healing Arts


This course will take a truthful look at: Where did codependency originate? What it is for you personally – (everyone has different tendencies)

Why did this happen to me? How is codependency effecting my life? Is it possible to change/heal me?

Learn More
Your True Values Mandala Healing Arts

Your True Values Mini-Course

Your values are the behavior and activities to which you are naturally drawn. Values are things you do or that you find very attractive. When engaged in these activities, you feel most like yourself: well, connected, excited, glowing and effortless.

In this course we will identify your top 10 True Values, narrow them down to your top 4 values – and from there, create your life’s Vision, Purpose and Mission statement. So exciting.

Coming Soon
Tolerations Mandala Healing Arts


We tolerate a lot. Often, we’re taught not to complain.

It can be difficult not to rock the boat, to go along with others, to be grateful for what we have, or to be too understanding. Not bad advice, but we can still stop tolerating what is bugging us!

Coming Soon
Boundaries Mandala Healing Arts


Boundaries are imaginary lines we establish around ourselves to protect our souls, hearts and minds from unhealthy or damaging behavior of others.


How many times do you say YES when you really mean NO?

Getting Your Needs Done Mandala HEaling Arts

Getting Your Needs Met Mini-Program

We all need air, water, shelter, love, and food- these are physical needs.

What are your personal needs? These are the things we must have to be ourselves.

The purpose of this lesson is for you to identify your specific needs and get them met, once and for all.

Creating The Simple Life Mandala HEaling Arts

Creating the
simple life

Who can truly live a well-balanced life with all we have to do?

Enter The Simplification Process.

In this course , you will be simplifying 10 aspects of your life. You probably already know which items you’re going to cut out, streamline or simplify.

Coming Soon
Handling the Money

The Money

The notion of financial independence is sometimes overwhelming and usually brings up:
-The idea of aging and not being physically able to work.
-The reality of mortality.
-The fact that we’re most likely under earning right now.
-The nagging truth that we’re probably overspending our budgets.

We will look at several new ways to bring awareness and support money issues and use these to prompt your own solutions.

Coming Soon
Caring for Your Body MAndala Healing Arts

Caring for
your body

When your Mind, Heart and Spirit are well cared for, your body can just be your body, needing little attention and energy.

In this course, you will make 3 simple changes.

We’ll address the addictions, create new systems and revamp our physical presentation.

Coming Soon
Raising Your Standards Mandala Healing Arts


Being incomplete means that you are unresolved. You may be finished (as with a relationship), yet incomplete. To be incomplete about a person or experience means that it is still “on your mind.” That remark that so-and-so made to you about looking a little heavy (that you laughed off rather than say what was really on your mind). The love of your life who left you suddenly and couldn’t hear your love or sadness. The degree you stopped short of getting …

Incompletes are like holes in our water glass of life. Until these holes are filled (complete), one can never have enough water to keep the glass full. From time to time the glass will get full, particularly during an “up” time, but eventually the water (life force) will drain out. In this course we’ll learn why they are important, why do we allow ourselves to get incomplete, where do incompletions show up, how do I get complete? – we’re going for the disappearance!

Coming Soon
Ten Daily Habits

ten daily

There is no place for shoulds or coulds in your 10 Daily Habits. Instead, we will select or design daily habits, which you look forward to and give you pleasure, that you would normally forget to do much of the time without this type of focus.

Choosing habits that GIVE you energy will actually work and add to our well-being or energy flow.

In this course we will ask: What would be the habits that would enrich my experience of life every day?

Coming Soon

life with

In the building trades, integrity refers to the integration of the bricks, mortar, foundation, plumb, interlocking pieces and strength of materials. When it is built and assembled properly, the building has integrity and, other than maintenance, does not require propping up or much attention.

Integrity in humans refers to how our person life system is set up and if it works effortlessly. Without enough integrity, we spend much of our time propping ourselves up. This is costly and distracting. To be our best, we must be whole: that is, be responsible for our actions and inactions; respond fully to the lessons being offered to us; honor our bodies and ourselves; and respect the realities of the physical universe.

In this course we will learn how to restore our energy and live in an effortless life by restoring our integrity adding richness to our lives.

Coming Soon
Rixie Dennison

About Rixie

Yoga teacher
& Life Coach

Rixie began her spiritual journey 30 years ago by surrendering to the disease of alcoholism. She soon discovered that she too needed extra help with the other side of this disease – codependency. She will tell you this has been the most difficult part of her recovery journey. She has always been a seeker of truth and loves working with women to help them stand in their truth with confidence and strength.

Also an entrepreneur, Rixie created a holistic business, Mandala Healing Arts, 22 years ago and has flourished as a Teacher of Yoga, Life and Recovery Coach, a Women’s Spiritual Retreat Leader and Reflexologist. She is passionate and is masterful in each of these roles as they allow her to lead groups, work with individuals privately, teach, and create peace and balance within the body, mind and Spirit.


for Healthy Aging

With Rixie

By practicing Yoga you begin to discover subtle parts of yourself – how you are connected physically – hands, feet, hips, spine, neck, our hearts and lungs. You connect to your entire body allowing you to enhance your recovery process.

Most of us when we first come to yoga, whether we are aware of it or not, we begin to notice that we have retreated from many aspects of ourselves, especially our bodies.

Reflexology Mandala HEaling Arts

Enhance your life

Reflexology is an ancient healing art. It literally means the study of how one part reflects or relates to another part of the body. The goal of reflexology is to help the body balance and heal naturally, to break up congestion in corresponding organs, to improve circulation and to help relieve pain and improve energy – to create homeostasis.

When building my holistic practice, I became very interested in how the feet work while practicing and studying Yoga and wanted to add “touch” to my practice. I found a Reflexology teacher (actually she found me) and began my certification process and set up a healing room in my home. Reflexology is an amazing compliment to your healing.


The Path to Healing,
Happiness and Freedom

Our clients


During my first conversation with Rixie, I realized that she was the coach for me. Her listening ear and spiritual — yet common sense — approach helped me believe in my goal of building a more balanced, peaceful and rewarding life. She also provided practical suggestions on how to achieve my dream. Her guidance and keen sense of observation helped me open doors that continue to open today.
Lisa K.
I found Rixie’s Life Coaching to be one of the best investments I’ve made for my future. For many years, I knew I wasn’t moving along my path. I had lots of ideas about what I thought I wanted, but no clear plan. I felt I was spinning. That’s where Mandala Coaching was so beneficial. With Rixie’s guidance, I was able to stop the spinning, formulate a plan based on my true values, and set off on my path. Thanks! Rixie
Beth Hearrell
Working with Rixie helped me to revitalize my life. She uses creativity and spirituality not only for inspiration, but to clarify, organize and energize my values and personal vision. Working with the mandalas provided me an invaluable resource and vehicle for discovering, expressing, and exploring my goals, dreams and passions. She is the best!
Karen Buehler
I am so grateful for your guidance Rixie. Holding a safe space for others to heal is a precious gift. I immediately felt warmth from our group which allowed for vulnerability. My big AH HAA moment is that I am a kind, person with a huge heart. Also, I give myself away by allowing others to use all my time. Forgiveness begins with and for me. I can never unlearn what I know now. Thank you for the new tools in my toolbox!
Janice Woodke
Rixie has designed the Your Soul-tion program with much thought to healing the body, mind, and spirit. After completing the Your Soul-tion, I became a Trailblazer and continued working with Rixie. I can honestly say I am a completely different person than I was last January. I have become brave, my work ethic has improved, and mind/spirit connection is better than ever. Thank you Rixie for walking this path with me.
Dawn Thomas
I highly recommend Rixie's programs, classes and amazing retreats. She has brought me to the healthy side of my life that was always there and helped me regain my self-worth and quality of life. She has a lot to give and share, drawing on her own experiences with addiction, codependency and life’s journeys. Rixie Dennison is a Christmas morning gift and I am so blessed to have this wonderful, caring, warm, generous wise woman in my life.
Dawn Boucher
Through her knowledge and practice of Yoga, we develop peace and balance. With her professional coaching, we create the structure and techniques to help us fulfill our life long dreams.
Maureen Clyne
Working with Rixie was a wonderful, supportive experience. She asked me all the right questions to keep me true to a holistic path that combines my work and my life. I’m right on track. Thanks, Rixie.
Christina Montana

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If you feel like you’d like to connect, I’m here to help!

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